Helping you sell in many lands of opportunities

Expert advice and a thorough knowledge of world markets is invaluable and with Sherrards, readily available. We recently collaborated with the UK Government’s Department for International Trade (DIT, Formerly UKTI) on their Export for Growth guide, specifically created for businesses keen to exploit international

Serving you in key markets

We also feature in the DIT’s guide to Selling Financial, Professional and Business Services Overseas, which advises British businesses in these sectors on accessing international markets. It provides guidance on securing and delivering business overseas, acts as a helpful reminder for those already working in foreign markets and provides key information on where your business can obtain help and support.

The guide was written by DIT trade adviser Colin Russell as part of the Government’s ‘Exporting is Great’ campaign. He said, “This guide shows what can be achieved by British service providers in the international arena, where there is a wealth of opportunity. It’s great to recognise, for example, what can be achieved by a law firm such as Sherrards.”

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Why search between the lines for good advice when you can find it here?

Sherrards acts on the merger of WMT Chartered Accountants and Moore Kingston Smith

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Service - Corporate and Commercial
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Sherrards act for Sphering Group

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The Corporate team assist International Client, Guangdong Xinbao Electrical Appliance Holdings

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The Soho Sandwich Company is acquired by Around Noon

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Article image - Soho Sandwich Company and Around Noon
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Arbitration Case Report

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Service - Dispute Resolution
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