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The website with the domain name “sherrards.com” (“the Website”) together with any and all content displayed on the Website (“the Content”) is owned and controlled by Sherrards Solicitors LLP (“Sherrards”).

Those accessing the Website (“the Users”) expressly agree that they do so at their own risk and subject to these provisions.

Sherrards uses reasonable care to ensure that the content (“Content”) appearing on the Website is current and accurate. The Content does not constitute legal advice and is provided for general information purposes only, without giving any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The User hereby acknowledges that Sherrards have no control over the use to which the User puts the Content and as such Sherrards cannot and shall not be liable for any loss arising out of the Users (or any third party to whom the User forwards Content) use of, or reliance upon the Content (whether such loss is direct, indirect or consequential).

Sherrards makes no warranty that the Content of this Website (including without limitation any associated or “hyperlinked” websites) are free from computer viruses or anything else which has contaminating or destructive properties and Sherrards shall have no liability in respect thereof.

The reservations and exclusions contained in this disclaimer shall not affect the User’s statutory rights.