Everything you need from a notary public (should you ever need one)
Notaries form a small, highly specialised branch of the legal profession; they specialise in preparation and certifying documents so they can be used effectively abroad. The Notary Public’s signature and seal verifies to the authorities in another country that relevant checks have been carried out.
This is regulated through the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
We can provide you with notarisation, translation and legalisation services that are trustworthy and dependable, working closely with our consular service to ensure we are up-to-date with all countries’ certification requirements.
Our service will support you worldwide. We work with associate offices and lawyers globally, and liaise with Foreign and Commonwealth offices, embassies and consulates. We notarise documents in English, Russian, Mandarin and Portuguese, and work with top translators to cover all other major languages.
When and why you might you want a Notary Public
Typical reasons include:
- buying or selling a property abroad
- getting married
- working abroad or emigrating
- receiving a foreign pension or involved with foreign litigation.
We can also arrange legalisation or Apostilles – official government issued certificates added to documents so they should be accepted as valid with further proof.
The notarisation procedure can vary greatly depending on the document, the country in where it will be used and the reason for using it. We’ll be glad to discuss your needs and explain how we can help.
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