Bringing the Far East closer
We have a strong focus on links with China and Asia, for UK out-bound investments and transactions, or investments, acquisitions or property development into the UK.
If your company is based in China, South-East Asia or Taiwan, you can benefit from our proven advice on setting up and trading in the UK. We frequently assist with litigation or dispute resolution, including enforcing foreign judgments and debt recovery. We also regularly advise individuals from East Asia and China on moving to the UK.
Through our membership of Alliott Global Alliance, we give you access to the local knowledge and skills of law and accountancy firms across the globe.
Invaluable legal and cultural knowledge
Our team is led by Laurel (Xueying) Zhang, an expert lawyer and native Mandarin speaker. Laurel acts as a bridge between the UK and China in terms of culture, language and legal systems.
The team is widely known for successfully representing major Chinese clients and is fast becoming the go-to advisor for Chinese investors wanting to do business with the UK.
Promoting and enabling trade in China and Asia
We published the Export for Growth guide aimed at businesses keen to exploit international trade opportunities particularly in China and South -East Asia, in collaboration with the UK Government’s Department for International Trade (DIT), formerly UK Trade & Investment (UKTI).