Sherrards International Team attend AGA Conference in Bulgaria

Recently, members of our international team attended the Alliott Global Alliance EMEA Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, with Nicole Marmor, Head of Private Wealth, speaking on a panel on social media, and Jean-Paul da Costa, Head of Corporate and Commercial, giving the conference his insights on AI.

Paul Marmor, Head of International, recently attended an invitation-only meeting of the IBA’s leaders in Bucharest, Romania. Indeed, Paul soon takes over as the senior chair of the International Bar Association’s Law Firm Management Committee, which is one of the most prestigious and powerful sections of the IBA.  The IBA itself is an association made up of approximately 100,000 lawyers from across the world, which is seen as the voice of the global legal profession, which lobbies on important issues relating to the rule of law and human rights, and also stands as an excellent networking platform to help us expand our international reach.

Through our involvement in the AGA and the IBA, there is quite literally nowhere in the world beyond our reach, to help our clients, friends and contacts with all their legal and professional needs.

If you would like more information then please speak to Paul Marmor


Think International,

Think Sherrards!

UK/USA relations in a post-brexit world!

Paul Marmor, Head of Litigation and International Services, recently visited the offices of our Alliott Global Alliance (“AGA”) correspondent law firms in Dallas and New York – Platt Richmond and Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe – and gave a presentation to each on the topic of UK/USA relations post-Brexit, where Paul explained how the trading relationship has been affected in a post-Brexit world.

Paul set out the good, the bad and the ugly from all perspectives.  Paul also gave the same presentation to AGA’s North American annual meeting in Palm Springs, California, attended by over 70 members from the USA, Canada and Mexico.

Paul is pictured presenting a ceremonial gift to each law firm, with the Managing Partner of Platt Richmond, Bob Daniels, and a number of his colleague, and with Jeff Berger, the Managing Partner of Golenbocks.  Paul is presenting David Gauke’s book entitled The Case for the Centre Right, which is a collection of essays on politics in the UK at this time, with special emphasis on Brexit, including contributions from Rory Stewart, Daniel Finklestein  and Dominic Grieve and others.

Paul Marmor visits Dallas, New York and California to discuss UK and USA relations post-brexit.

For more information about our connectivity, clients and friends across the Americas, through our involvement in the AGA, the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association, and for our legal perspectives relating to Brexit, then please reach out to Paul Marmor on +44 20 7478 9010 or, or visit

Helping to put the UK on the Global map, legally speaking!

Paul Marmor spoke about his involvement in developing Sherrards’ international persona, passing on the benefit of his experiences to an audience predominantly from the legal profession, looking to expand their international footprint.

In particular, Paul used the international webinar to speak about our work with an international alliance (Alliott Global Alliance) and our connectivity with other first-class law firms through the International Bar Association and American Bar Association, as well as working alongside The Law Society’s International Division and the Department for International Trade, including becoming part of the UK investment support directory hosted by the DIT.

Marco Cillario, International Policy Manager of The Law Society commented, “We are ready and willing to shout about the legal profession and to help our members, whether to improve access to key markets, facilitate introductions to networking opportunities with contacts across the world, or to create the right environment to do so ”.

Paul Marmor of Sherrards comments, “It’s been quite a journey for the firm, but in 20 years we have helped our clients and contacts with their increasing needs overseas, as well as the burgeoning demand for use of the UK courts by foreign parties.  I have no doubt that our legal profession is supported by some brilliant institutions, whether it be the Ministry of Justice, the Department for Business and Trade or The Law Society’s International Division”.

To download the interntional webinar to watch, click here.

For more information about Sherrards’ international offering and our work with the IBA, ABA, Alliott Global Alliance and Law Society International Division, and how the Department for Business and Trade and Ministry of Justice can help you, please reach out to Paul Marmor.