Jonathan Silverman Consultant Solicitor
+44 (0)20 7478 9911

More about Jonathan

And now a little bit about Jonathan Silverman

Jonathan is an experienced commercial lawyer with some 35 years’ experience in the City. He thrives on solving problems for clients and providing practical solutions in a timely manner.

He is a member of the Corporate and Commercial Team and advises SME clients on a wide range of commercial issues.

Throughout his professional career he has served at board level for a diverse range of companies and so has a clear understanding of how clients like advice delivered.

On this thread, he has wide experience handling media enquiries for clients especially around sensitive topics requiring a discrete approach.

Jonathan has a particular interest in Start Ups and the Creative & Technology sectors, presently serving on the investment committee of the British Design Fund.

He also works closely with an international network of law & accountancy firms handling multijurisdictional transactions and disputes.

He has advised on a wide range of alternative investment schemes involving fine art, classic cars, wine & commercial property.

His lifelong passion for British Sports Cars of the 1950’s & 60’s has resulted in him advising both classis car collectors and dealers involved in brokering deals and resolving disputes. He acted on the purchase of the first £1m continuation series Jaguar E type which featured in a BBC documentary.

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