Head of Sherrards’ Russia Desk, Marta Grieve, and litigation partner, Paul Marmor, spoke in Moscow alongside Ekaterina Zaharova, a partner in Moscow law firm ASB Consulting, at a presentation organised by ASB to a group of clients from the world of business, banks and financial institutions
Marta and Paul mapped out the key essentials to include in an international joint venture agreement, and what steps should be taken to protect shareholders, and if things go wrong, Paul and Marta also explained a number of remedies that could be obtained an a British Court in terms of injunctive relief (such as worldwide freezing orders), as well as discussing alternative dispute resolution procedures such as arbitration and mediation. Ekaterina commented: “Our audience really greatly appreciated getting a view from London on the British perspective of handling international joint venture partnerships and what can happen when directors or investors go rogue, which is relevant to what we have to do in terms of following the money, so to speak.” Marta commented as well: “Providing insights from both the Russian and British perspective is what I do, and hopefully I can provide a bridge between the two cultures, on both a business and a professional level.” Paul added: “Having this global reach is vital for our clients, and having the expertise on the ground in Moscow, Russia, really provides us with first-class connectivity. Our thanks to ASB Consulting for hosting this lunch event and inviting us to speak to such a wonderful audience.” Sherrards Solicitors has got to know ASB Consulting through the Alliott Group international alliance of independent law and accountancy firms, which provides Sherrards with a global reach to like-minded firms, where we are able to provide our clients, contacts and friends of the firm with connectivity just about anywhere in the world – not to mention providing one-stop legal services and support, particularly when it comes to multi-jurisdictional disputes.